Nagpur: At least 32 huts were destroyed in a devastating fire that broke out in Samyak Nagar area of Teka Naka on Wednesday morning. Electric short-circuit in one of the huts has reportedly been stated as cause of the fire. The gutted huts belonged to labourers, it is learnt. The inferno swallowed households, valuables, cloths, and other goods rendering the occupants without shelters. The exact loss due to fire is being estimated but it could be in lakhs. However, no human casualties were reported in the fire.
According to reports, the 32 huts of labourers were situated behind Samyak Buddha Vihar, Nari Road, Teka Naka. On Wednesday morning between 9 and 9.30 am, a spark flew from a short-circuited wire in one of the huts. The spark soon engulfed the hut and the strong winds triggered a major fire. Soon the fire took the shape of a monster and spread rapidly. Within minutes the entire 32 huts were engulfed and reduced to ashes. Luckily, most of the labourers had gone to their respective works except a few children. However, the children escaped from the fiery scene to safety. Most of the labourers were working at the nearby under-construction Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Stupa. A social activist named Santosh Khadse, after noticing the fire, rendered all possible help and also alerted the Fire Brigade. The Fire Brigade men too reached the spot with fire tenders but it was too late. The huts had already been destroyed.
A team of police too rushed to the scene and maintained the law and order.