Hellokids Wonderbeats Playschool, Pratap Nagar, Nagpur, organized a free dental check-up and awareness camp in the school premises on Sunday 2nd February, 2020, in association with Shree Multispeciality dental clinic.
The check-up was carried out by dental surgeon, Dr.Minal Menghal and group. The camp included dental awareness talk, educating students and parents about common dental ailments, especially stressing on tooth decay and gum diseases and measures to prevent from them.
The students were told about proper brushing techniques, the eating patterns and food choices which cause tooth decay. Principal Mrs.Shobha Khangan felicitated the visiting dental surgeon and thanked her for sharing valuable tips and information with students.
The school Director, Mrs.Siddhi Lalit Dole, thanked Dr. Minal Menghal , and Shree Multispeciality Dental Clinic for rendering moral and selfless service to the school.