Mirzapur’s pivotal character Zarina is none other than very talented Anangsha Biswas. She celebrated her birthday queen style in Mumbai with her close pals and industry mates. The Actress turned years, as said age is just a number it’s just adding to her luminous beauty. The highlight of the party was her tight squad Anupriya Goenka, Jaideep Ahlawat and her parents. As they made her day memorable with some meaningful surprises and some eminent names joined the party like Suhail Nayyar, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Himanshu Malhotra and many more.
Anangsha Biswas is known for her peculiar roles in films like Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana, Benny Babloo as well as in a remarkable short film like Andheri. After foraying in OTT, there hasn’t been any looking back for Anangsha. She delivered some exceptional characters on screen in Series like Maya 2, Hostages and Mirzapur.
With her recent revelations about her pivotal role in the sequel of Mirzapur. Her fans haven’t been at rest. There has been a wave of excitement with Mirzapur 2 and its Zarina. Her role has been highly appreciated by critics as well as the fraternity.
2020 schedule for Anangsha already looks jam-packed. Eventually, She shall announce her upcoming projects. It is for sure this year Anangsha won’t leave the screen empty even a bit for her Fans, may that be OTT or Silver screen. She shall reveal it soon with a blast. Till then don’t miss the dates for Mirzapur 2 and admire the marvelous acting by Anangsha Biswas aka fierce Zarina.
We wish her a happy birthday and a prosperous year. Let the bash last as long as it can.