Nagpur: Special Squad of Deputy Commissioner of Police Zone-V seized marijuana (ganja) from a truck near Octroi post no.5 on Bhandara road. The action was taken by cops on basis of a tip off on Wednesday at Raju Garage. A truck (MH-40/AK-1188) was found parked in the garage and police personnel conducted search in presence of two witnesses.
The cops found a plastic bag stuffed behind the driver’s seat in the truck cabin. On opening the bag, it was found filled with black and greenish coloured leaves, and entire area was filled with pungent smell.
The bag was weighed on the scale and the contraband weighed little over 18 kg and was valued at Rs 1,81,240. The special squadalsoseizedthe truck inwhichthe contraband was smuggled in city. Pardi police registered an offence under Section20 oftheNDPSAct, 1985.
The seizure was effected by a team comprising Sr. Police Inspector Sunil Chavan,Assistant PoliceInspector(API) Prashant Annachatre, Police SubInspector(PSI)SharadShipne,Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Surendra Tiwari, Head Constables(HCs)Anil Tumsare and Rajendra Wasade,NaikPolice Constable (NPC) Prashant Kakde, constables Sharad Raghorte, Rajesh Nimje, all staff of Pardi police station along with Naik Police Constables (NPCs) Vinod Sontakke, Mrudul Nagar, constable Ashok Dube, Chetan Jadhav, Ravindra Raut,YogeshTathod,RahulGumgaokar, the Special Squad of DCP Zone-V.