Nagpur: The complaints of additional fees charged by the private schools from the parents who have admitted their offspring under Right to Education (RTE) seem not to take a pause anytime soon.
In the recent discovery, Mohammad Shahid Sharif, Chairman of RTE Action Committee has alleged that he has been receiving complaints that the Roy English School has been seeking extra bucks from parents who have enrolled their children’s under RTE on the pretext books, uniforms etc.
“Ignoring the orders of the Education Department, the schools are running a fraud and violating the Right to Free Education Act,” said Sharif and added, “The matter has been brought fore to the administration but in vain.
However, this raises severeal eyebrows on the authenticity of the Education Department that whether funds are being taken from the parents with the blessings of the department. Following this many parents are being forced to deprive their children of their right to education because of hefty fees and their poor financial state.”