The HRD ministry on Wednesday directed the Central Board of Secondary Education to promote all students of classes 1 to 8 to the next class in view of the situation due to the coronavirus outbreak in the country.
“In view of the current situation due to #COVID19, I have advised @cbseindia29 to promote ALL students studying in classes I-VIII to the next class or grade,” Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ said in a series of tweets.
Students of class 9 and 11 will be promoted on school-based assessments conducted so far, he said, adding those not promoted this time can appear in school based tests online or offline.
“Students studying in classes IX & XI will be promoted to next class/grade based on the school-based assessments including projects, periodic tests, term exams, etc. conducted so far. Students not promoted this time can appear in school-based tests, online or offline,” Nishank tweeted.