Nagpur: Rana Pratap Nagar Police arrested a married couple for allegedly sexually exploiting an unmarried woman for the past nine years. The accused, Ramkisan Sopalram Jangid (48) and his 43- year-old wife are the residents of Flat No. 101, Shanti Vihar Residency, Datey Layout, Sonegaon. The 40-year-old victim stated in her complaint with the police that Ramkisan and his wife were her tenants. She was working as an attorney with a lawyer.
After she had a dispute with the lawyer, Ramkisan had helped her.Taking undue advantage of the situation, Ramkisan established amorous relationship with her. He also promised to tie the nuptial knot. After showing a pornographic video, Ramkisan’s wife also established unnatural physical relationship with her. The couple then started exploiting her sexually and prepared her explicit videos. The accused couple then shifted to a new house. However, Ramkisan and his wife used to call her at their house by issuing threats.
This continued from 2011 till June 30, 2020. Finally, the victim gained courage and lodged a complaint with the police against the couple.
On the basis of the complaint, police registered a case under Sections 376 (Rape), 377 (Unnatural offences), 417 (Punishment for cheating), 504 (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), 506 (Criminal intimidation) and 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code against Ramkisan Jangid and his wife on July 19 and arrested them. Cops had obtained police custody remand of the accused couple.
On Tuesday, the court remanded Ramkisan and his wife to magisterial custody.