Nagpur: The District Collector Ravindra Thakre and the Resident Deputy Collector Ravindra Khajanchi on Thursday launched Shine App developed by Education Department of Zilla Parishad. The App has been created for resolving difficulties faced by the students of Class X and Class XII during board examinations. The students who face Students can resolve The Collector appealed the students to take help of the Shine App developed by Zilla Parishad NIC.
The App is based on Student Helpline in Exams concept. It is available on Shine in Exam in Google Appstore.
The students can clear their doubts about Class X and Class XII exams through this App. The Shine App is available in both Marathi and English. The App will contain an array of information such as exam time-table, frequently asked questions, latest news, guidelines for students etc.
The Shine App can be downloaded by visiting Google Appstore. The students will have to mention mobile number and name of the school.