Nagpur: Pardi police on Sunday raided a gambling den and seized five stolen bikes apart from cash, mobile phones and other gambling material. The raiding cops arrested five gamblers while one goon managed to escape the police net.
The Pardi API Maruti Shelke received information that a gang of gamblers was playing cards and betting money at a vacant place near a nallah in Baradwari village. Acting on the tip-off, a police team reached the spot and rounded up five gamblers namely Sandeep Dnayndas Dongre (36), Darshan Rambisa Yadav (21), Sachin Ramesh Kamble (34), Ashish Madhukar Budde (21), all residents of Pardi and Dharmendra Rameshwar Jaiswal (32) of Wathoda. One accused Nafiz alias Bunty Abrar Sheikh, around 35 years old, managed to escape the police net.
Police seized a total eight two-wheelers including five stolen bikes from the possession of the gamblers. Cops also seized five mobile phones and cash of Rs 4370. The collective value of seizure is Rs 2.96 lakh.
An offence under Section 12 of Maharashtra Gambling Act was registered with Pardi police.