Nagpur: The traders’ demonstration against April lockdown entered its third day with ‘‘Thali Bajao Sarkar Jagao Andolan’ organized by Sitabuldi Merchant Association here on Thursday. Stating the lockdown imposed by the State Government as the death warrant for businessmen, Sitabuldi Merchant Association members were seen holding banners that reads ‘mat chino hamara karobar, humara bhi hai ghar bar’ and chanting slogans against the lockdown proposed by the government.
It is pertinent to mention that perturbed over the pathetic situation created due to lockdown, members of Sitabuldi Merchants Association have threatened to open their shops from April 9, 2021 unless the State Government didn’t withdraw lockdown norms. They said that their business was already reeling under recession and the lockdown imposed by the State Government up to April 30, 2021 will make the situation more dismal. There are about 300 members of the Association on whom over 10,000 direct and indirect families are dependent.