Nagpur: The Nagpur District reported 7,107 fresh novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and 85 deaths — the highest single day toll since the outbreak of the pandemic — till Saturday midnight. Previous highest was recorded just yesterday with 79 deaths. Out of total deaths, 45 were reported from Nagpur city, seven deaths were registered from outside the district, while 33 casualties were reported from Nagpur rural.
With the latest update, the total number of cases has surged to 3,23,106 while the number of deaths rose to 6,273. As per the official report, out of the total positive cases, 2,498 were from rural areas and 4,602 cases from Nagpur city alone while seven cases were reported from out of the district.
In the day sum of 3,987 patients were successfully recovered from the virus borne disease taking the numbers of total recovered patients at 2,47,590. Following which recovery rate is at 76.63%. After the fresh updates, the total active cases in the city now stand at 69,243 including asymptomatic cases advised for home isolation.