Harbouring solutions on dealing with weight gain have been a serious problem for all the time! And it just gets triggered up through this prolonged lock down phase which has successfully surpassed more than 1.5 years! Hence, as the majority of workout stations such as Gym, yoga centre, outdoor game courts are still closed, our body gets enough time to chuckle up additional layers of fats which have even tougher to deal with? So, what to do in this predicament situation? Well, nothing but in order to get accustomed to the ‘new normal’ lifestyle you have to learn indoor workout techniques to curtail the layers of body fat you strictly despise!
Hence, here are a few tips to control lockdown weight at home which are truly fun to learn and smart to be adjusted with! And in case of purchasing a few indoor workout items, you can lend help from Decathlon Coupon code which is availing a deluxing 60% sale on all sports wears namly sports apparels, yoga mats etc. Thus, keep scrolling at it’s site to fetch better deals.
7 easy steps to deal with lockdown weight
Working out at home? Am I freaking out? No folks, absolutely not! Why?…you will discover it gradually. Thus, let’s hit these 7 points one by one.
- Make a diet plan and start following
Now you may wonder, you weigh just 45 kgs, so is there any relevance of it? Well, to answer the question, yes, it does. Because, a diet plan plays more responsibilities than just controlling weight and vice versa. And remember you are framed within 4 walls for more than one year, so 45kgs don’t need more time to be doubled up! Therefore, make a proper diet plan according to your weight and start being polite to follow. Best way to deal with this is being a modicum but frequent consumer rather than consuming lots. It will surely put a serious focus on calorie control as well.
You may also follow guidelines of several fitness experts blogs to learn more as well as coupons from Myprotein or similar websites endow lucrative sale on calorie control intake.
- Learn indore workout
Nothing is impossible so start adjusting with the present situation through being smart. Hence, learn indoor workout to control your lockdown fat. Because, you know gyms are not going to reopen soon. Therefore, this is the last option you have.
You can start with simple push ups, squats and free hand exercise to begin with. Continue with each of these in 3 sets with 1 minute slots, then gradually increase both the pace and more numbers. Albeit, you won’t get enough exposure to workout instruments but it won’t double up body fat either. So, pay 30 mins every day to the indoor workout.
In the later part while you are learning a bit standard indoor workout, namely several types of planks, you may need fresh sports apparel. In such cases, be overt to snatch alluring discount coupons from sport apparel websites such as Puma, Decathlon etc.
- Start practicing Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises
If you haven’t tried diverse and impressive postures of Yoga previously, this is the best time. Yoga not only just keeps your body lean, toned and flexible but erases a plethora of problems related to body strain, rigidness and permanent cramps. Which all exceeds the benefits of heavy instrumental exercises at times. Thus, learn some new techniques of Yoga that have a high impact on body’s blood circulation, heart condition and moreover breath control.
So, you can buy a pair of yoga mattresses either from Decathlon or Adidas at jaw dropping offers, meanwhile pay careful attention to body’s fitness.
- Join online fitness classes
This is really a new concept and quite impressive which has been outlined with realistic existences in the intermittent time of lockdown itself. Several online fitness classes such as Fittr, Fitness2Flash, Apurvaa Yoga provide regular fitness tips in exchange of a tiny amount as compared to a monthly gym fee. You can lend help from these sites. Despite it, you can easily download a free fitness app (30 days fitness club) available at Play store. In this way, you can mold your body and enhance your fitness the way you want.
- Lead a healthy life
This is one of the most important points. Because, you have noticed that this prolonged lockdown is one of the most prominent culprits for exponential growth of depression, tension, fear of uncertainty. And to deal with all these, you have to follow a regular routine life such as taking an 8 hrs. of sound sleep, spending quality time with family and must avoid midnight cravings, which is truly a scary point to thrash up body weight. Moreover, keep yourself happy and smile as jovially as you can! For, scientists and psychologists all over the world have admitted a happy life and soulful laughter not only just demur harmful body weight but minimizes fatal diseases. So, stick up to a healthy life schedule
6.Eat more greens, increase protein intake and be attentive to calorie deficit
If you can’t control your taste bud on rollicking piquant fast food and munchies but keen to control weight, first thing you have to do is to put a full stop to frequent order from Zomatos or swiggy, rather be proclivating to consuming more veggies, greens and enhance protein intake through homemade chicken soup of fish curry! Because, very first lesson of calorie control is to avoid fritters, fast food and munchies, you must be adhered to the tenet. So, put your calorie level under a deficit through welcoming a pure healthy diet balance.
- Don’t murk up with the limit between professional and personal life
Albeit, it has an indirect impact on weight gain but not ignorable. As the lockdown has fueled up the concept of ‘work from home’ into the next level. Hence, confounding professional stresses with personal peace may welcome redundant tensions and turmoils which may affect a healthy life routine. So, try to differentiate these two as much as possible.
Hence, these were 7 lucid guidelines on lockdown weight control. The best way to deal with th problems is being personally alert and using free spaces to a worthy workout. It could be exhaustive planks or a 30 mins of walk on the house corridor with your kids or pet or just alone. And in case, you need a pair of joggers or walking shoes, hit out to trending couponing websites for best deals. Stay healthy, be happy.