Nagpur: Ganeshpeth Police have booked a 38-year-old Pune man for allegedly raping a 32-year-old woman between 2015 and August 2021, on the pretext of marriage. However, when the accused, identified as Laxman Landge, failed to tie the nuptial knot with the victim; she lodged a complaint with Ganeshpeth Police Station.
According to sources, the victim had met accused Laxman back in 2015 while travelling to Pune via bus. The duo immediately got along on the ride. They even shared numbers and later, started communicating on various social media platforms. Soon their affection turned into love and both confessed their feelings to each other. During the same, Laxman had expressed his sexual desire towards the victim. As he had promised to marry her, the victim gave her consent. Following which, Laxman started to sexually exploit her at various places, including in Nagpur and Pune.
However, whenever the victim used to talk about their marriage, Laxman would give vague answers. The duo would often pick a fight over the same. In August this year Laxman bluntly refused to marry her. Following which the victim approached Ganeshpeth Police with a complaint.
Cops have booked the accused Laxamn Landge under Sections 376, 376(2), (N) of the IPC. Further investigation is on.