Published On : Tue, Dec 28th, 2021
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Tips and Tricks to Score Good Marks in Chemistry in NEET

All the medical aspirants are aware of what NEET is as soon as they are in class 11 or even before. NEET is one of the toughest and most intimidating entrance tests in the country. It opens up the paths to various high reputed medical colleges across India for the students with matching prospects. But to get there one must cross the wall called NEET. There are no shortcuts or one-month-plan to clear this exam. Only with years of relentless hard work and proper guidance, one can achieve this feat. And only by clearing the exam itself one doesn’t get admission to her/his dream college; for that one must have a good position in the rank list. This article will not tell one how to work hard, because that cannot be taught. It will only provide the guidance that the hardworking candidates require.


NEET consists of three major subjects – Biology, Physics, and Chemistry; and each subject comprises the syllabi of both class 11 and class 12. Now, it is clear as to when one should start preparing for the entrance test. But even knowing that is not enough. Every year the number of candidates for NEET is increasing. And with that are rising the difficulty level of the paper and the competition. So much so that, many students are trying their luck year after year and are still not able to find success. These are just facts and not a means to scare the candidates. It is suggested that the students are aware of the brutal reality before they decide to apply or even prepare for this exam. So that, they understand what they are dealing with and how unwavering their dedication must be. Below are giver a few suggestions and information that will guide the aspirants to achieve prosperity:


Observing the Syllabus For NEET Chemistry Is The First Task

 Yes, excelling in any subject in any examination requires the students to know the ground upon which they are going to build their forts. The same rule applies here too. It is already mentioned that the NEET Chemistry syllabus is an amalgamation of both Class 11 and Class 12 syllabi; now, it is time to look into it in detail.


  1. From the Syllabus of Class 11

 From Class 11, there are Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Structure of Atom, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Equilibrium, Hydrogen, Redox Reactions, s-Block Elements, Some p-Block Elements, Hydrocarbons, Organic Chemistry – Basic Principles and Techniques, and Environmental Chemistry. 

  1. From the Syllabus of Class 12

 In this section, there are Solid State, Electrochemistry, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Surface Chemistry, p-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, d- and f-Block Elements, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes; Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acid; Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers; Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Polymers, Biomolecules and Chemistry in Everyday Life.


Marking the Important Topics From Each Chapter

 Once the candidates are completely acquainted with the syllabus, they must move on to the next step. That is marking the topics that are the most important from the examination point of view. Though it is not wrong to say that everything is important for NEET Chemistry, there indeed are certain topics that have more weightage in the exam than the others. And though the students are suggested to prepare everything, they should focus a little bit more on the following topics:

  1. Physical Chemistry

 The most important topics from here are Mole Concept, Atomic Structure, Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Redox Reactions, Solutions, Equilibrium, Surface Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, and Chemical Kinetics.

  1. Organic Chemistry

 Basic Principles, Biomolecules, Hydrocarbons, Organic Compounds, and Polymers – these are the important ones from here.

  1. Inorganic Chemistry

 Here the center of focus should be Periodic Properties of Elements, Coordination Compounds, Hydrogen Bonding, Chemical Bonding, and Block Elements – p, f, d, s.


Following The Best Chemistry Books

Choosing the right books is a matter of great concern when one is preparing for an exam of this stature. One must follow books that are authentic in content, that are easy to understand, and that cover all the important topics as explicitly as possible. NCERT Chemistry book fulfils all these requirements. It has great content, it is written in very smooth language, and it provides a lot of practice sets that are extremely helpful for the examinees. Apart from that, there are certain books such as OP Tandon’s Physical Chemistry, JD Lee’s Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Dinesh Chemistry Guide, and so on. It is highly advisable that the candidates ask the teachers for their recommendations, and follow them thoroughly. 


Focusing Equally On The Chemistry Syllabi of Class 11 And Class 12

 When one has set out to conquer something as huge as NEET, one must remain faithful to oneself. As is already mentioned, Class 11 and Class 12 are equally important in this exam. So, coming under a false assumption and avoiding any one of them would be a grave mistake. The students are suggested to avoid notions of this kind if they have any. Another thing that is highly recommendable in this context is acquiring the habit of note-taking. Since the preparation period is so long, one might end up missing out on important topics if there are no notes. Also, the notes can come in handy while revising, and they are also effective for memorizing difficult terms, formulae, and concepts.


Doing Revision And Taking Mock Tests

 Revision and Mock tests both play important roles in the preparation for any exam. Once finished, one should go through the important chapters and topics over and over again. Solving previous years’ papers and NEET Chemistry Important Questions are absolutely necessary. To increase the confidence level and to get habituated with the exam hall atmosphere, one must take as many mock tests as possible. While revising, the students are suggested to follow their notes and focus more on the topics where they faced difficulties earlier.


It is important to work hard, but it is more important to have a strategy. This article provides the students with one. And if followed correctly, it might lead to a dazzling result in chemistry in NEET.