Published On : Tue, Dec 28th, 2021
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Here are the tips on how one can crack IIT entrance:

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) was founded 65 years ago by the Indian Institute of Technology Act of 1954. With the developing trend in today’s society, many students are choosing IIT because it provides several options for acquiring industry exposure and progressing in the technological sector. However, it is not as simple as it sounds; a great deal of patience and hard work are necessary, which many students may find difficult to perform. It will be challenging, but not impossible.


Here are the tips on how one can crack IIT entrance:


  1. KNOW YOURSELF: The first step is to know oneself and their brain. One needs to clear their mind from any doubts or know what do they actually want to do, once a student is clear about his/her dreams and aspirations he/she can move forward with strong willpower.
  2. SETTING A GOAL: The first thing you should do before beginning your JEE preparation is to set a goal. A journey without a destination is pointless. Simply set a target score in mind and plan to study hard in accordance with it. With your improved performance, you can always upgrade your targets to greater scores. You’ve set a goal for yourself, and now it’s time to figure out how to achieve it.
  3. PLANNING: Students are now prepared and have a goal in mind. However, good planning is required in order to achieve it. With appropriate planning, a normal JEE candidate studies 10–12 hours each day (there are numerous exceptions who cracked JEE Advanced with amazing rankings after only 6–7 hours of study). Make your own ideas based on your own skills and weaknesses. Give extra time to subjects in which you are weak. Make certain that by the time of the JEE, you are an expert in all of the topics on the syllabus. Time is without a doubt one of the most valuable possessions that God has bestowed onto all of us. So, make a strategy and spend it wisely. Remember, time is of the essence.
  4. KNOW THE SYLLABUS: Many times Students commit this typical mistake of just buying the books and start studying under full pressure, but before that students need to understand that knowing the syllabus is also very important in every aspect, knowing the marks distribution in each chapter also knowing ones favourite subject which will help the students to understand the syllabus to a greater extent and have a proper idea as to how to execute the plan.
  5. AVOID READING MULTIPLE BOOKS: Students must always stick to one book, reading multiple books will confuse Students to a greater and extent and in that process, students will waste time searching for a particular answer or understanding the particular topic.
  6. DO NOT RESORT TO ROTE LEARNING: With the given pressure it is understandable that students lose track of time and even forget themselves but just keep on studying, as these students will never understand anything, even though they may pass the exam but without knowledge. If a student takes his/her time in understanding the chapter or a particular topic properly he/she will eventually fall in love with the subject. Apart from that, it will help students understand more in less time.
  7. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING: The most important aspect of JEE (Main or Advanced) is your conceptual understanding. JEE is not an entrance exam that you can ace by memorising facts. Derive a formula before memorising it (every single one). Understand the theory and begin applying it to real-world problems. You may find it difficult at first, but with time, you will realise that each and every challenge becomes second nature to you. Begin by reading theory from appropriate study resources or genuine books. When it comes to physics, one can check the previous year’s question papers, important questions in physics for IIT JEE mains
  8. PRACTICE: Students recently discovered that conceptual comprehension is critical for JEE. However, without adequate practise, it is pointless. According to the data, the ratio of time spent on reading theory to solving questions for an average IITian during his/her JEE preparation was close to 1:2 during initial preparation, 1:3 during revision, and 1:1 during the final month of exam preparation. Practice allows you to maintain the right speed during the exam. It aids in the development of your time management abilities. Most importantly, practising allows you to avoid making dumb mistakes throughout the exam. One of the most painful regrets in the life of a JEE applicant is making stupid blunders in the JEE exam.
  9. REVISION: One of the most critical aspects of JEE preparation is revision. Before taking the exam, make sure you go over each idea 2–3 times. Make a thorough plan for your rewrite. 
  10. CONCENTRATION/FOCUS: This is an area where many JEE applicants fall short. Nothing can be accomplished if one is not focused. Use a smartphone as little as possible. If you really must have a smartphone, use it with all social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) removed. Not even 1% of the posts you read or see in them are truly helpful to you.
  11. CONFIDENCE: Confidence opens the door to every possibility in life. The most valuable thing one can have is faith in oneself. After you’ve done everything you possibly could to achieve your goal, ask yourself simply one question: “Who else could do more?” “If not me, then who?” Despite your best efforts, the only response you received was “NO ONE.” Even if you do not pass JEE, nothing can stop you from reaching greater success if you are confident enough.
  12. REST: Despite the pressure and the hectic schedule one must always find time for themselves to eat food and to take a rest many students say that if they take a rest and eat food they won’t be able to finish the syllabus on time. But that’s not true maximum of 4 hours of rest is required in order to continue with studies or else one can fall sick easily and the time period may even extend.