Nagpur: In a heinous incident, a 70-year old man and another man raped an 8-year old neighbour’s daughter for over one year. Both the pervert accused threatened the victim girl of dire consequences if she narrated her ordeal to anyone. This shameful incident took place in Sonegaon police jurisdiction. The accused have reportedly been arrested.
According to police, the accused Manohar Daulat Shelare (70) and Nikhil Bandu Neware (24), both residing in Sonegaon area, called the 8-year old daughter of the neighbour on one pretext or another and abused her sexually between October 12, 2020 and December 21, 2021. The two accused exploited the girl sexually frequently during the period. Further, the 70-year old Shelare and 24-year old Neware threatened the girl of dire consequences if she narrated their heinous act to anyone. However, the nasty incident came to know to the girl’s relatives and a case was registered with Sonegaon police.
Sonegaon police constable Dilip Belekar, based on the complaint, booked the two accused Manohar Shelare and Nikhil Neware under Sections 376(A), 376(B), 376(2), 376(2)(N)(F), 506 of the IPC read with Sections 4, 6, 8, 12 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Both the accused have reportedly been arrested.