Published On : Tue, Feb 15th, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News



Valentine Day should be celebrated by offering Red Roses to Bharatmata with the slogal “My Valentine My Motherland” said B.C.Bhartia. He was speaking at Valentine Day celebration function organized by TEAM CAIT Nagpur. B.C.Bhartia said that in this era of haterate it is important to express the message of love and peace.

Bhartia further said that the youths are attracted by glamour. Its high time we educate the youth about the meaning of expression of love and attract their attention towards love for motherland, love for environment, love our natural Beauty like tree, river, mountain etc. expression of love towards father, mother and family. He appealed to member of society to start prorogating My Valentine My Motherland slogan.

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Chairman Gopal Agrawal said that our soldiers are scarifying their lives to protect our motherland. In honour of our soldiers we should celebrate Valentine day to support them by expressing our love towards our motherland we are dedicating this day to our Jawans.

Kishor Dharashivkar said that TEAM CAIT, Nagpur’s slogan My Valentine My Motherland is very appealing it gives the message of expression of love and surrender to motherland. It will bring revolution in thinking process of youth.

Nikhilesh Thakar said that before adopting any foreign culture, we should try to apply the concept and blend the same with our cuture and tradition.

Jia Shaikh said that by respecting our motherland we are respecting each and every female of the country. This is need of the sour.

Vinod Gupta said that whatever CAIT in doing is in National interest. We should continue this irrespect of what people say?

Jaikishan Lalwani made arrangements for program.

Chaya Sharma patriotic songs on the occasion.

Rajkumar Gupta said that the women are life line of society we should respect all females by respecting motherland all parents should try to develop the culture of respecting motherland on Valentine day.

The program was conducted by Vinod Gupta. Those present work Kishor Dharashivkar, Prabhakar Deshmukh, Nikhilesh Thakar,Archna Rasthogi, Kalpna Pande, Nitu Nayak, Vinod Rathod, Vasant Kumbhare, Pawan Gaur inform Secretary Vinod Gupta.
