Nagpur: In a major breakthrough, Yashodhara Nagar Police have arrested a gang of seven miscreants who would steal the Bolero pickup vans parked outside on Nagpur road and later sell them in Amravati. Besides arresting seven accused (six from Amravati and one from Nagpur), cops have confiscated seven Bolero pickup vans and other materials collectively worth ₹30L from the possession of accused.
Capitalising the vulnerability of Bolero pickup vans parked outside on the road, the accused identified as Azhar Afsar Pathan (38), Md Majhar Md Iqbal Chaudhary (34), Iliyaas Ali Mehboob Ali (46), Najib Khan Mustafa Khan (24), Md Rajiq Md Jabir (41), all resident of Amravati, Md Ahbaaz Nasdeem Sheikh (22), a resident of Teka Naka, Nagpur and Waseem Parvez Adbul Siddhi, a resident of Akola would steal the vehicles and later sell them in Amravati, informed Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Zone 5, Manish Kalwaniya addressing the press conference.
Following comprehensive ground work along with technical assistance, Yashodhara Nagar Police pinned down the accused and recovered Bolero vehicles, he added.
Under the supervision of DCP Kalwaniya and ACP Santosh Khandekar, team of Yashodhara Nagar Police comprising Senior Police Inspector Vishvanath Chauhan, PI (Crime) Prashant Jumde, API V V Mote, API Kannade, Constables Abdul Sheikh, Ajay Kuthe and others made the arrest.