Nagpur: In December 2019, Anjali Badartiye lost her 17 year-old son Vedant in a road accident. Anjali, her husband Dushyant, and family members took the brave decision to donate his kidneys, liver, and eyes so he should live on even after death. But for Anjali, this was not enough. She wished to bring son back into her life.
The couple decided to have another baby. But it was not that easy. Anjali was already 42, and was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer during pregnancy check-up. She underwent cancer surgery, eight cycles of chemotherapy, 15 cycles of radiation, and became cancer free in a year.
Anjali’s Gynaecologist from Amravati Dr. Ashish Mashankar had preserved the embryo that was to be transferred to her. After about 18 months, the same embryo was transferred to her, and she conceived on the first attempt. On March 23, Anjali gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The Badartiye family named him Nidant – similar to his departed elder brother – Vedant.
“It’s a victory of motherhood over destiny, cancer, and age,” said Dr Mashankar. “It’s a rare case and not many women show such courage,” he added.
Cancer Specialist Dr. Amol Dongre from Alexis hospital at Nagpur recalled the day the family decided to donate the organs of their departed son. “When Vedant was declared brain dead, his kidneys and liver retrieved at Alexis hospital. His liver was transplanted here and saved a needy patient.” Dr Dongre said.
Dr Suraj Agrawal Conducted the surgery, Dr Chandani Hotwani Gave radiation while Dr Dongre looked after post-surgery chemotherapy. He gave a go ahead for embryo transfer to Dr Mashankar in Amravati.
“We have decided to have a baby just to get out of the grief. We have a daughter who was missing her brother very badly, and having depression and anxiety issues. Anjali was fit for being mother again, but time was running out. So, we decided to see a gynaecologist,” said her husband Dushyant, who owns a farm at Haram Village of Achalpur tehsil in Amravati.
“When the doctor detected a lump in my breast, we postponed embryo transfer until we got the biopsy results. Though I was detected with breast cancer, I was confident I will become a mother again and God will help me defeat cancer. ” said Anjali.
Generally, it takes a year for women to get back to the menstrual cycle after heavy chemotherapy and radiation process. But Anjali had her period just after four months after becoming cancer-free. She conceived in the first attempt of embryo transfer, maintained good health during her pregnancy, and gave birth to a healthy baby boy on March 23.
“God is great. He blessed us with a boy again,” Anjali said, adding that she wants her story to be told to women suffering from breast cancer, and bereavement.
“I consider those two years as a bad dream and am now enjoying motherhood a fresh. As long as you are alive, it’s your right to search for happiness,” she said while holding Nidant in her arms.