Nagpur: In a shocking incident, a man from Pandharaboli area was reportedly attacked with swords by four of the same locality near Police Training Centre (RPTS) under Bajaj Nagar Police Station here, on Wednesday afternoon. The accused men, armed with sharp-edged weapons, followed victim Sagar Nagle (32) on their bike and attacked him in full public view. The incident has sent ripples in the Bajaj Nagar area.
According to police sources, Sagar, a resident of Pandhrabodi in Ambazari area was travelling through RPTS road on his bike. The accused men who were preying on Sagar reportedly launched murderous attack on him. Sagar tried to flee for his life but the accused men chased him down and attacked him with sharp edged weapons. Later, all the accused fled the spot.
Some onlookers then alerted the Police Control Room. Acting swiftly on the input, the squad of Bajaj Nagar Police then rushed to the spot and sent Sagar to Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH).
In the meantime, Bajaj Nagar Police have registered a case of attempt to murder against all the unidentifed accused and launched the manhunt.