Nagpur: The Sessions Court in Nagpur on Friday issued notice to Kotwali Police Station in the matter regarding seizure of the national flag from the premises of Reshimbagh-based Dr Hedgewar Smarak Samiti premises 21 years ago. The police have been directed to file a reply by November 18.
A resident of Mahal, Mohnish Jabalpure has filed a petition in this connection. According to Jabalpure, the Magistrate First Class, in 2013, had ordered to hand over the national flag to the District Collector. But the Kotwali police kept the tricolour in their possession for many years. This act of the police amounted to contempt of the court, Jabalpure said and demanded initiation of contempt action against the police.
Also Read : When RSS opposed flag hoisting in Nagpur, sent 3 men to jail!