Nagpur: Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) Anti-Corruption Wing on Friday caught B U Waghmare, In-Charge (Civil), Niljai Sub-Area of Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), Wani Area, Yavatmal, red-handed while demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a contractor for clearance of his pending bills.
Contractor Anil Kumar Singh, a resident of Chandni Nagar,Ward No 6, Ghugus, district Chandrapur, was awarded two work orders for replacement of GI sheets of transformer shed at Wardha river sector and repairing of potholes at Naigaon Main Road in WCL’s Niljai Sub-Area.
After successfully executing the works, Singh approached Waghmare requesting him to clear his bills worth Rs3.97 lakh. Waghmare demanded Rs 14,000 from him to clear the bills.