Mumbai: In a major development, NCP leader Jitendra Awhad was arrested by Thane police on Friday afternoon for creating a ruckus during the screening of a Marathi film ‘Har Har Mahadev’ at multiplex in city’s Viviana Mall earlier this week. Awhad and his 100 workers were booked at the Vartak Nagar Police Station.
On Monday night, the former Housing Minister interrupted screening of the film alleging that it distorts Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s history. The NCP MLA alleged that the film distorted history for political hype and he also slammed makers in his statement.
The leader was booked under Sections 141, 143, 146, 149, 323, 504 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 37/135 of the Mumbai Police Act.
Mentioning about him being called to the police station over the ‘Har Har Mahadev’ issue, Awhad wrote on Twitter that he would not plead guilty to something he has not done, accusing the police of following orders of “some people from above” .
“Today at around 1 pm, I was called by the Senior Police Inspector of Vartak Nagar Police Station. Got a call from Shri. Nikam said I will send a personnel to send the notice or else you should come to the police station. I had plans to go to Mumbai but I said, “I will come to the police station and later will head to Mumbai,” one of his tweets read.
“When I went to the police station, they engaged me in gossip. Then DCP Rathod came to the police station. His eyes and face reflected restlessness. Desperation was visible. He respectfully said, I can’t do anything. Orders have come from above. You should be arrested.”
“This is an abuse of police power. Now, I am ready to fight. I don’t mind getting hanged as well. But, I will not plead guilty to what I did not do,” he added.
The leader and his workers fought with the audience and videos of the heated exchange went viral on social media. He was seen charging at the cinemagoers. Another video shows the man being manhandled by Awhad before he is taken out of the cinema hall.