Nagpur: Braving the chilling winter, thousands of candidates are thronging Centres across Maharashtra to participate in ongoing Police Bharti process. However, the sudden dip in mercury has raised the bar of difficulties for them. To their rescue, Bhandara Police led by Suprintendent of Police (SP) Lohit Matani have rented a hostel and arranged several facilities to save them from harsh winter.
Notably, in the police recruitment process, many candidates come for the exam a day prior. Many of them are short of money and hence ended up spending the night at Railway Station platforms and by the roadside.
Considering the cold wave over Bhandara, the cops have arranged for one hostel for their stay in Bhandara and also enabled them basic facilities.
Speaking to Nagpur Today, SP Lohit Matani said that, “We have also arranged for bedding, blankets and fooding for them so that they can stay safely and give their best performance in the physical examination on the next day,” he said.
It is pertinent to mention that Matani, a former Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Nagpur, has been known for his novel policing and reaching out to masses with his unique initiative. Like in the past, many people are also appreciating this step of Matani.
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