Nagpur: The Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday said, “The Indian pharmaceutical industry not only has a good reputation across the world, but its products are also rated as top-class in quality, accessibility and cost. We are endeavouring to raise the standards more by doing research and innovation. At present, our products are exported to 152 countries and we intend to increase this number. In this way, we can explore the immense export potential that our pharma industry has.”
Gadkari was addressing the inaugural function of the 72nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC), at the premises of RTM Nagpur University, Amravati Road. Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) Dr Venugopal Somani, alumnus of RTMNU, was prominently present.
Other eminent personalities included President of International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Dr Dominique Jordan; President, All India Organization of Chemists and Druggists Jagannath S Shinde; Chairman (India) of ACG Worldwide, the Associated Capsules Group (ACG) of Companies in Bombay Ajit Singh; Commissioner of Food and Drugs Administration, Maharashtra, Abhimanyu Kale, President, Indian Pharmaceutical Association and General Secretary IPCA Dr T V Narayana; General Secretary Dr Pankaj Bector; IPC Member Dr Jayant Chaudhary; Managing Director of Bharat Biotech Indian Pharmacy Graduates Association Dr Krishna Ella; President of Pharmacy Council of India Dr Montu Kumar Patel; CEO, Nitika Pharmaceuticals; Ravleen Singh Khurana, Chairman of Local Organising Committee of IPC Atul Mandlekar; Organising Secretary Dr Milind J Umekar; Organising Secretary Prof Prakash Itankar; Coordinator Dr Chandrakant Doifode; Vice Chancellor Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Dr Subhash Chaudhari; and Head Dr Pramod Khedekar.
Stating that the pharma industry has huge potential to generate employment and also to bring socio-economic transformation, Gadkari appealed to the dignitaries on the dais to use more agri-based products to link more and more people from different sectors with the pharma industry. Gadkari also urged them to make use of advanced logistics facilities available in the country to facilitate industries and reduce transportation costs.
Dr Venugopal Somani, DCGI, underlined the affordability and quality of Indian products and stressed that innovation along with generic medicine is the need of hour. “Through this, opportunities to reduce on the cost of manufacturing can be explored and medicines can be made affordable to all. The pharma industry needs to work on a service-based model from the product-base model,” he added. He also spoke about accelerated R&D progressive approach, strengthening of local markets for self-reliance, competitive ecosystem for better access etc.
Dr Dominique Jordan elaborated on the theme of the conference – ‘Access to Quality and Affordable Medical products’. “About 2 billion people have no access to medicine. I feel that access to quality medicine should be developed. The intended outcome of this strategy includes that everyone has access to medicines. All pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and educators have a key role in this, and in the evolution of the profession around the world,” he said. The next century will be of pharmacy professionals, Dr Jordan declared.
Earlier, the souvenir on 72nd IPC was unveiled during the event while eminent pharmacist awards were given at the hands of Union Minister Gadkari. Gadkari also felicitated the members of the organising committee.