Nagpur: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Nagpur, on Thursday arrested Nitin Vinayakrao Madankar, City Engineer (Technical), Saoner Municipal Council, and his conduit Vilas Deoraoji Raut for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 20,000 for issuing cheque of third instalment to a beneficiary of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna.
The beneficiary lodged a complaint with the ACB officers that Madankar (45) was demanding Rs 25,000 for issuing the cheque of third instalment under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna from him. After negotiation, he agreed to take Rs 20,000 and asked him to hand over the cash to Raut who is a private person residing near the railway station. Subsequently, the ACB officers verified the complaint and laid a trap. As soon as Raut took the bribe amount from the beneficiary, the ACB team caught him.
The ACB officers seized the cash from Raut in the presence of government witnesses and took him into custody along with Madankar. After registering a case under relevant sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act, the ACB officers conducted searches at Madankar’s office and his house at Plot No 538, Garoba Maidan, Old Bagadganj, Nagpur.
The trap was laid by DySP Yogita Chaple, PI Varsha Mate, PI Ashish Choudhary and constabulary staff under the supervision of SP (ACB) Rahul Maknikar and Additional SP Madhukar Gite.