Nagpur: In a shameful act, a woman from the Sakkardara area reportedly tore down a ‘Jai Bhim’ flag and erected a banner with the caption “Dalit Lokani Gharache Aat Pravesh Karu Naye” (People from the Dalit community shouldn’t enter the house). Following the outrage of the locals, the police have booked the accused, identified as Amita Jaiswal, under IPC 295-A, (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs) and 3(1)(t) of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.
According to the complainant, Nikhilesh alias Sonu Deepak Gorkhede (32), a resident of Juna Sakkardara near Vishwashanti Budh Vihar, locals were celebrating Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Jayanti in the vicinity. To mark the occasion, the area was decorated with Jai Bhim flags, Torans, lighting, and several cultural programmes, including bhojandan, were organized.
On April 16, when complainant Gorkhede woke up, he found that one of his neighbours, Amita Jaiswal, had placed a banner that reads “Dalit Lokani Gharache Aat Pravesh Karu Naye” (People from the Dalit community shouldn’t enter the house). When he alerted other locals, they found that a flag with ‘Jai Bhim’ written on it had been torn down near Jaiswal’s house. Following this, the locals quarreled with the accused and later approached the Sakkardara Police Station.
The police have booked Jaiswal under Section 295-A, 3(1)(t) of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, and are investigating the matter further.