Nagpur: The 68th Filmfare Awards which was hosted by Bollywood actor Salman Khan on Thursday evening was one star-studded night. However, this year’s award ceremony was the most special for director Nagraj Manjule.
Nagpur’s Ankush Gedam who played the lead role in the movie ‘Jhund’ starring superstar Amitabh Bachchan won the ‘Best Debut Actor.’
The actor bagged the role in the movie Jhund after Manjule saw the video of Gedam dancing energetically at Ganpati immersion procession in Nagpur and was immediately impressed by the energy he possessed. Manjule was in the process of finalising cast for the movie in 2017 when he spotted Gedam.
Jhund is a story about a sports teacher (role played by Amitabh Bachchan) training young slum-dwellers of Nagpur to play football.
The actor took to Instagram to announce the achievement. Besides this, he got a lot of appreciation from other actors as well. Best Actor in a Leading Role (Female) was bagged by Alia Bhatt for Gangubai Kathiawadi and the Best Actor in a Leading Role (Male) was bagged by Rajkummar Rao for Badhaai Do.