Published On : Fri, May 5th, 2023
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

The Untold History of Dpboss Satta Matka: Evolution from Past To Present



The dpboss matka games opens new options for the gamers to earn from their home. Online games like satta matka help people escape the corporate world and generate new streams of income. The gamers around India enter in the game to become the dream person they always wanted to be. But did you know how this wonderful game was invented and how this game evolved? Few gamers know about the history of satta matka. In today’s blog we are going to share with you “The Untold History of dpboss Satta Matka ” and “Evolution from Past To Present”. Stay tuned to learn about the history and to play this premium satta matka games vsit our website dpbossonline.

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Friday 07March 2025
Gold 24 KT 86,300 /-
Gold 22 KT 80,300 /-
Silver / Kg 97,700 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
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History of Satta Matka

Compared to the past the dpboss matka games are more advanced in today’s era. With time this game evolved a lot and changed completely. Satta matka is also called a lottery game. It is a form of betting game where players guess the winning number but in the past this was completely different. 


In 1960 the people used to bet on the opening and closing price of the cotton imported to Bombay Cotton Exchange from New York Cotton Exchange. But due to some reason the New York Stock Exchange stopped this process and the players who love betting start finding new ways to complete the hunger of this game. 


The man named Ratan Khatri found the demand for the lottery game and with the friend’s advice he introduced the new form of lottery game and named it “Worli”. At the start he used to write some random numbers on the piece of paper and put that paper in the earthen pot. Then he used to draw the chit and the numbers were displayed to the people. The player who chooses the same number as in chit is declared as a winner. 


With time this process changed and the player needed to choose the pair of three numbers from the deck of cards. Ratan khatri himself used to draw the three cards two times a day. One in the morning and another at night. He used to perform all this process in tight security so the chances of cheating are low. As soon as ratan draws the result he announces that result using the letter or prints. Those players who choose the same number as in the result are declared as a winner and rewarded financially. Because of this game many gamers were able to create a fortune and many of them lost. The Worli lottery game started getting famous and with time gained a lot of popularity. The people from all around India started playing this game and Ratan Khatri known as the satta king. With time everyone around India started playing this game and this game became the best place for online gamers. 


In the year 1962 the man named Kalyanji bhagat introduced a new variation of this game. He created this game in such a way that this game was available for the players all days a week starting from Monday to Sunday. The odds of this game are in favor for the players. Compared to the ratan khatri game this game started getting popular and people started playing this game more. Kalyanji Bhagat was a small farmer from Gujrat but this game helped him to become the richest and satta king of his time. From 1962 to 1964 this game gained a lot of fame and power. 


Ratan Khatri saw this trend and in 1964 he invented the “New Worli”. With little changes in the original game he created this game in such that the odds are in more favor of the player. The game that he created this time was only available for five days a week starting from Monday to Friday. 


The games created by Ratan Khatri and Kalyanji Bhagat are the best games of their time. People have enjoyed the benefits of these games for years. With time these games evolve a lot and change completely. Nowadays the dpboss game that we all play is different and has more options to play. In the new era matka games provide many advantages to the player. 


Satta Matka ( सट्टा मटका ) In Present

In the paragraph above we discuss how the dpboss satta matka game was invented. In the next paragraph we are going to discuss what changes occur to the game with time. 


Technology played an important role in the evolution of the game. Nowadays there are more than two hundred plus satta matka games available. Because of the technology there are hundreds of websites on the internet that are providing these games. Websites like dpbossonline are the best place to play this game. 


Each and every matka game available on the website has different time to play and run 24/7. The player can choose the game according to their free time and can play the game. The rules of the games are simple. The player has to choose a pair of numbers between 0 to 9. The player can choose a single, double and triple digit number. The results are drawn at the end of each game and the player who chooses the right number is declared as a winner. 


Due to the vast majority of the game on our website dpbossonline the three bazaars were introduced: Regular bazar, starline bazar and king bazar. These all three bazaars have different rules and regulations that we are going to discuss ahead. 


Three Bazar of Satta Matka

Regular Bazar

The first bazaar that we are going to talk about is a regular bazaar. In total there are thirty one dpboss games present in the regular bazaar. Games like kalyan matka, milan day, balaji day are the parts of this game. All the games present in this bazaar have opening and closing time. In a regular bazaar the player can bet twice a day, one at the time of opening and one at the time of closing but the player needs to place bets in the game before that time because after that the betting portal gets closed. 


Starline Bazar

The next matka  bazaar in our list is Starline bazaar. In Starline Bazar there are only three dpboss games. The names of the games are: Milan Starline satta matka, Kalyan Starline matka and Dubai Starline matka. The rules to choose the number in this bazaar are the same as in other bazaars. Here the player can place bets twelve times a day in a particular game. The results of the game are displayed at the end of the game and the player can access it anytime.

King Bazar

The last bazar on our list is king bazar. There are a total fourteen games available in this bazaar. The games like Disawar, Janta, Balaji metro are the part of this bazaar. In this dpboss bazaar the player has to choose the jodi number in order to play this game. The games in this bazaar only have one time and the player has to choose the number before that time. Jodi numbers between the range of 00 to 99. The results of this game are also declared at the end of the game. 


Top Games In Satta Matka

Kalyan Satta Matka

Kalyan satta matka is the part of a regular bazaar game that means the player can bet in this game two times in a day. The time to play this game is 4:10 PM to 6:10 PM and the player has to choose the number in this time only. The player chooses the number between 0 to 9. The player can choose the number randomly or can use any tips to do the same. The results of this game are displayed at the end of the game and the player can access it anytime. 


Milan Starline

Milan starline is part of the Starline bazar. The rules of this dpboss game are the same as the above kalyan matka game. The only difference is time to play this game. The time to play this game is  9:30 AM to 8:30 PM and between this time the player can bet twelve times. The first time to bet is 9:30 AM then next at 10:30 AM and just like this 8:30 PM. All the bets should be placed with one hour difference from the starting point. 


Types of Bets Available 

There are many types of bets available in satta matka but we are going to show you the important one that is used by many  gamers. 


Single Digit: The player can bet on the single digit number between the range of 0 to 9. This type of bet is one of the easiest bets in the dpboss satta matka. Many gamers prefer this bet. 


Jodi: Jodi or double digit number. The pair of two numbers between 00 and 99 is called a jodi number. The player can bet on the dpboss numbers like 12,23,34 and so on. It requires little practice to bet on this type of number. 


Patti: Patti or triple digit number. The pair of three digit numbers between 000 and 999 is called a patti number but all the numbers should be distinct. Patti numbers like 123, 234, 345 are the examples of this type of bet. The chances of this type of bet getting drawn in the result are very rare, that’s why many gamers choose this type of bet in the first place.


Double patti: The pair of three numbers in which two numbers are of the same digit are called as double patti numbers. The two numbers in that patti should be side by side like 112,223,334 and so on.


Triple Patti: the pair of three numbers in which all the numbers are of the same digit is called a triple patti. Triple patties like 111,222,333 are some examples. You can place all this bets on our website dpbossonline


New Features That Were Introduced With Time

Jodi Chart

In the past jodi charts were used to showcase the past result. With time the features in this chart are developed but the goal of this chart is still the same. For every matka game like kalyan matka there is a different jodi chart available which shows the past result of that specific game. On our website dpbossonline results that are displayed in this chart are in jodi format like 12,23 like this. The first result is from opening and the second result is from closing time. Jodi charts are available only for the regular bazaar dpboss game. 

Matka Guessing Forum

This feature is new for the market. It was not available in the past but due to the increase of the gamers this feature was introduced to help the gamers. In this forum the experts matka players with years of experience in the field and famous astrologists guess the pair of numbers that has high chances of getting drawn in the result. These numbers are not hundred percent accurate but it can increase the chances of your winning in dpboss game. Many gamers use this forum to double check their picking in the game like kalyan  matka and they succeed in it. If you want to use this in your forum by visiting our website dpbossonline.


How Technology Changes The Game

The game is available for Everyone

In the past the dpboss games were manual and the player needed to be present there to play the game. The player who loves to play this game used to travel to cities just to play the game and the process is also time taking. Due to technology matka games like kalyan satta matka are available online and the player can play this game from anywhere around the world. Due to the technology many new varieties of games are introduced and the player can access it anytime anywhere. Now the player doesn’t have to travel cities to play this game. Players can visit matka websites like dpbossonline and can play this game. 


Time Consumption is low

In the past everything was done manually and the player had to wait for long hours to play the game.Also the dpboss matka games results are drawn manually and this process was time taking in the past.but after the introduction of technology this process became fast. Now the player can bet on the game within seconds and  the results are displayed at the end of the game immediately. Results of the satta matka game like kalyan are shown in the ten minutes after the game. Due to the technology these games are available on the mobile phone and the time to play this game is also less. 

The chances of cheating are less

In the past everything was done manually because of which the chances of cheating are very high. The chances of misplacing the number were also high. But because of the technology this threat was completely gone and the players can play dpboss games with full security. Nowadays everything is done online our website dpbossonline because of which the chances of cheating are very low. 

Tips To win the Game

Utilize free time to play the game

On dpbossonline there are many different satta matka games available. All these games come in a variety and have different times to play. First step in order to win any game is to choose the game where you can utilize your free time. This game runs all day and the player can choose the game according to their free time. Games like kalyan,  By choosing the one game the player can fully focus on that game solely and not on other things. Gamers try to play many games at the same time and end up losing in all because they are not able to concentrate on the one game. So don’t do that. 


Stick to the one game

As soon as you choose one game, stick to that one game only. Learn each and everything about that game and how that game works. If you switch to another dpboss game on a daily basis then it will be hard for you to learn the game.  Play that one game until you master that game. 

Choose the investment

The investment is the most essential factor in this game. If you are investing all your money in one game without prior knowledge of the game then it is hard for you to win the game. Start with minimum investment and play the dpboss game on a daily basis. The minimum investment required to play any matka game is only ten rupees and the maximum amount goes above the lakh. As soon as you get the experience in the game you are free to invest as much as you want in the game. 

Try Out different strategy

In dpboss matka games the same strategy doesn’t always work. If you are playing the game with the same old strategy then the chances of your winning will be less. See what others are doing and try to apply that strategy in your own game and see if it works or not. If it works, keep that strategy and if it doesn’t use some other strategy. Repeat this two or three times until you find the perfect strategy for yourself. 



With time the satta matka game has evolved a lot and changed completely. But because of technology, gamers around India can play this game. Technology played an important role in making this biggest game in India. With a satta matka game anyone can become rich and can escape the rat race of the corporate world. With little basic knowledge of the game and the little investment anyone can play this game. So visit our website dpbossonline and start playing the game. 

