Nagpur: In a significant action against illegal gambling activities during the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL), the HBT Squad of Nagpur Crime Branch raided a location in the Ajni area and arrested three accused. The police have filed a case under Section 4 and 5 of the Gambling Act, according to the police report filed at the Ajni Police Station.
The three accused were identified as Ajay Jagdishchandra Pande, a resident of Dwarkapuri in Bhagwan Nagar, Nagpur; Sanket Dinesh Dagde, a resident of Juna Babulkheda; and Nikhil Prabhakar Babar, a resident of Rameshwari in Nagpur. A fourth accused, Lalit Raut, a resident of Tiranga Chowk, is still at large.
The police seized seven mobile phones worth Rs 1,27,005, a Haier television and a set-top box worth Rs 25,000, and Rs 5,94,500 in cash. The total worth of the items seized is Rs 7,46,505. The accused and the seized property were handed over to the Ajni Police Station for further investigation.