Nagpur: Ashwin Harish Masand, a partner of Jyoti Agency, has been sentenced to three years of imprisonment and fined Rs 25,000 by the Additional District Consumer Grievance Redressal Commission in a contempt case. The presiding member of the commission, Smita Chandekar, and member Avinash Prabhune pronounced the verdict.
The complainant PS Raju, a resident of Hindustan Colony, had purchased a flat in the Jyoti Agency scheme. However, the agency did not register the sale deed of the flat, prompting Raju to file a complaint with the commission
In April 2006, the commission partially accepted the complaint and issued several orders to Jyoti Agency to sell the flat. The agency was given a two-month deadline to comply with the order, but it failed to do so, prompting Raju to file a petition with the commission.
Following an investigation, the commission found that Ashwin Masand deliberately disobeyed the order. As a result, Masand has been sentenced to three years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs 25,000.
The case highlights the importance of following orders issued by the consumer grievance redressal commission and the serious consequences of contempt. The verdict also sends a strong message to builders and developers to ensure that they comply with all regulations and legal requirements.