Nagpur: It is the need of the hour for everyone to cultivate trees by planting trees. If there are no trees, many problems will arise along with the rain, tree plantation should be a movement in the society, opined Dr. Datarkar, Dean of Government Dental College and Hospital.
Dean Dr. Datarkar inaugurated by planting the first sapling. He said, due to the cutting of trees in the last few years, its adverse effect on the people and the environment can be seen.
Trees should be planted and cultivated as soon as the trees are sacrificed for any other purpose. Some trees are cut down for development, instead of that, a decision was made here today to plant and cultivate those trees.Tree plantation programs will be conducted throughout the year.
Govt Dental College Public Relation Officer Dr. Vaibhav Karemore, Associate professors Dr. Darshan Dakshindas, Dr. Santosh Chavan, Dr. Shilpa Verhekar Nupur Kokne, Dr. Aniket Dhote and A large number of students participated.