Nagpur: A 22-year old youth, identified as Anuj Ajay Gupta, ended his life due to drug addiction in the early hours of Saturday. The incident occurred at his residence in the Lakadganj area on the eve of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
According to police, Anuj, son of a local ‘Poha-Murmura’ shop-owner in Itwari, had been actively involved in assisting his father. However, he fell into the grip of drug addiction in the past few months. As his addiction worsened, Anuj started purchasing drugs on credit. According to Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) Vivek Zingare, Anuj’s brother Sarthak (27) provided a statement confirming his brother’s addiction to drugs. It was discovered that Anuj left behind a suicide note in his room, holding a specific individual accountable for pressuring him into incurring the debts.
The suicide note alleged that this person was the one responsible for dragging Anuj into drug addiction. At approximately 1 am on Saturday, Anuj hanged himself from a ceiling fan using a saree. Sarthak woke up at 1 am to get a glass of water. He was horrified on discovering Anuj hanging from the fan. He immediately raised an alarm. The family members broke open the door and rushed Anuj to a nearby private hospital. The doctor declared him dead upon arrival.
Lakadganj police registered a case of accidental death. The official said that the police investigation will focus on uncovering the circumstances surrounding Anuj’s addiction.