Published On : Sun, Aug 13th, 2023
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

MNLU, Nagpur Concludes Online Faculty Development Programme on IPR


Centre for Intellectual Property Rights and DPIIT-IPR Chair at Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur organised online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Intellectual Property Rights from May1-6, 2023. Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, MNLU, Nagpur congratulated the participants for successfully completing the FDP with aim of learning the niceties of IPR. He mentioned in his address that ‘Faculty Development Programs are a boon to the academia’ and it is needed for understanding the IPR Jurisprudence’. The one-week course was designed for training and orienting the faculties from various disciplines of Higher Education Institutions from over India on emerging issues in Intellectual Property Rights regime. The Centre head and chair Professor Dr. Ragini P. Khubalkar, Associate Professor of Law, MNLU, Nagpur informed that the aim of Faculty Development Program is to sensitize the teachers with these new fields and to help them to tackle the emerging complex issues while teaching. She extended her views on the success of the programme.

The programme consisted 21 interactive sessions in the course of seven days and more than 20 experts from eminent institutions in respective fields addressed the participants on various facets of Intellectual Property. Prof. (Dr.) S.P. Rathor, Professor of Law, Gujarat University expounded on the Man- Machine Dichotomy and Changing Jurisprudence of IP. Prof. (Dr.) V. K. Unni, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta explained on the issues related to Patents- Post Covid Regime. Ms. PritiTayade Patent Agent, Nagpur explained the Basic Qualifications for Patent Protection and Procedure for Patent Filing, Dr. Divita Page, Assistant Professor of Law, MNLU, Nagpur explained the IP and IT interface.

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Further during the one week FDP, IP and Competition law, Challenges in protection of Traditional knowledge, Principles of Copyright law, Rights of Author’s, Global Regime of Intellectual Property, Patent Licensing and Rights of Patentee, Trademark and Domain Name Disputes and all the other relevant issues to keep pace with the changing scenario in the Intellectual Property Laws were dealt with by eminent resource persons. Prof. Dr. Raman Mittal, Professor of Law, University of Delhi explained the facets of Copyright Licencing. Dr. Yashomati Ghosh, Professor of Law, IIULER,Goahighlighted the guidelines of Plagiarism and Copyright Ethics. Dr. Dayananda Murthy, Associate Professor of Law, DSNLU, Vishakhapatnam highlighted upon the Trademarks and Domain Name Disputes.

Dr. Nandini CP, Associate Professor of Law, DSNLU, Vishakhapatnam explained the Justifications for the protection of Intellectual Property, Dr. Amol Karwa, Assistant Professor of Law, NarayanraoChavan Law College, Nanded, Dr. NamrataLuhar, Assistant Professor of Law, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara Dr. Ankit Singh, Assistant Professor of Law, HNLU, Raipur, Mr. AbhijeetRohi, Assistant, Professor of Law, MNLU, Mumbai, Dr. Manish Yadav, Ms. DebmitaMondal, Assistant Professor of Law, HNLU, Raipur, Dr. DivitaPagey, Dr. AnchitVermaMs. Trishla Dubey and Ms. AnujaMisra, Assistant, Professors of Law, MNLU, Nagpur illustrated various important issues related to Indian IPR regime. The FDP witnessed the participation of delegates from different parts of the country and disciplines as well. Ms. Shweta Kulkarni and Ms. TriptiKokte, the Research Assistants with the DPIIT- IPR Chair worked hard for the success of the Programme.
