Nagpur: A tragic incident unfolded in Maharashtra’s Nagpur district as a blast occurred at an solar explosives manufacturing company, resulting in the loss of five lives, according to the local police. The explosion, which took place at the manufacturing facility, has prompted an urgent response from authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.
According to nagpur today sources, at least nine people were killed in a blast which took place at 9 am in a cast booster unit of the Solar Industries in Bazaargaon area, a senior police official informed.
Satyanarayan Nuwal, the chairman of Solar Industries, confirmed the incident, stating that it took place on Sunday morning while labourers were packaging defence products.
Preliminary reports indicate that the incident occurred during the packing process at the cast booster plant within Solar Explosive, a facility that manufactures defence products, including bombs and missiles.
“I do not know the exact number of casualties, but I was informed that five to six persons died due to the explosive blast,” Nuwal said, adding that he is in constant touch with the company personnel in this regard.
A team of rural police and fire brigade personnel promptly responded to the incident. “The tragedy took place at the time of packing in the cast booster plant this morning,” Nagpur (Rural) superintendent of police Harsh Poddar said.