Nagpur: The Nagpur City Police, under the direction of Police Commissioner Dr. Ravindra Kumar Singal, is planning to establish a museum to preserve old police department artifacts. This initiative aims to collect and display historical items related to the police force.
Current and retired police officers, as well as citizens whose relatives or friends have been associated with the police department, are requested to contribute. Individuals who possess any old police-related items, such as uniforms, batons, shoes, caps, belts, medals, honor badges, swords, PT dress, old identification cards, kit boxes, certificates, photographs, books, service records, rifle slings, cut shoes, DMS shoes, or any other related materials, are invited to donate these items.
Contributions can be made by visiting the Police Commissioner’s office at Civil Lines, Nagpur, or by contacting the Police Commissioner directly at 7385982212. Messages can also be sent via WhatsApp to the same number. Each contribution will be personally acknowledged by the Police Commissioner, with the aim of creating a museum that will preserve these historical artifacts for future generations to see and learn from.
The Nagpur City Police urges all citizens to support this noble initiative by contributing any relevant items they may have.