Nagpur: The Janata Darbar of Union Minister Nitin Gadkari will be held on Sunday, August 18, at Dr Vasantrao Deshpande Hall. During the Janata Darbar, Gadkari will accept complaints regarding Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT). Gadkari will listen to people’s problems between 11 am and 3 pm.
Considering the crowd of people gathering during the previous darbars, extra counters will be arranged outside the hall. People can submit their complaints and receive a token number. The office of Nitin Gadkari has appealed to people to come with three copies of their complaints.
Earlier, on August 4, Nagpurians thronged at Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) headquarters, with a flood of complaints during the ‘Janata Darbar’ called by Nitin Gadkari. An overwhelming number of complaints were about waterlogging after recent rains, faulty drainage system, chokage of storm water drains in various parts of the city.
Most people blamed the concrete roads and choked drainage system for waterlogging in their respective areas. People made their submissions to Gadkari in the meeting hall, and surrounded Gadkari later on too when he was on his way out after the ‘Janata Darbar’.