Nagpur: Ambazari Police on Friday booked Babita Nitin Masram, a cashier in the Finance & Accounts Department of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU), for allegedly embezzling university funds amounting to Rs 44.40 lakh by forging official receipts.
Babita Masram (40), a resident of SRPF Camp, Hingna Road, was employed in the Finance & Accounts Department of RTM Nagpur University from 2019 to 2023. During this period, she allegedly manipulated receipts for personal gain, leading to a significant financial loss for the university. The case came to light following a complaint lodged by Harish Radheshyam Paliwal (44), the Finance & Accounts Officer at RTM Nagpur University and a resident of Kachimet, Amravati Road.
Based on his complaint, the police registered a case under Sections 420 (Cheating), 409 (Criminal breach of trust by a public servant), 465 (Forgery), 467 (Forgery of valuable security), 468 (Forgery for the purpose of cheating), 471 (Using as genuine a forged document), and 474 (Possession of a forged document with intent to use it as genuine) of the Indian Penal Code against Masram.
Further investigations are underway.