Nagpur:As per TV9 reports,a startling twist has emerged in the case of a false bomb alert on an Indigo Nagpur-Kolkata flight, as the arrested individual, identified as Animesh Mandal, is reportedly an officer with the Intelligence Bureau (IB). This revelation has raised serious questions about the investigation conducted by the Raipur police.
The Incident:
The case dates back to November 14, when an Indigo flight from Nagpur to Kolkata was forced to make an emergency landing at Raipur airport after a passenger alerted the crew about a bomb on board. The passenger, later identified as Animesh Mandal, informed the flight’s air hostess of the alleged threat shortly after takeoff. The pilot immediately diverted the plane to Raipur for safety.
Who is Animesh Mandal?
Following his arrest, Mandal claimed to be a Deputy Investigation Officer with the Central IB, stationed in Nagpur. His lawyer, Faisal Rizvi, stated that Mandal acted on information supposedly received from IB that a bomb might be on board the flight. However, further investigation by the Raipur police led to his arrest under the Civil Aviation Security Act.
Legal Challenges and Jurisdiction Issues:
Mandal was presented in court and subsequently sent to jail on remand. However, it was later revealed that the Raipur court does not have jurisdiction to hear such cases, as they fall under the purview of a special Civil Aviation Court, which is not present in Raipur. Mandal’s wife has since submitted his employment documents in court to substantiate his claim of being an IB officer.
Complications for the Police:
The case has become a headache for the Raipur police, who are now facing scrutiny for potential lapses in the investigation. Mandal’s lawyer pointed out that both the police and airport authorities might have made critical errors in handling the matter.
Adding to the controversy, Mandal reportedly presented his IB identification card during the investigation, which complicates the case further. The legal team has argued for the case to be transferred to the appropriate court, and authorities are exploring this option.
New Questions Emerge:
The case has brought to light potential procedural lapses in handling such sensitive incidents. It also raises questions about whether the IB officer acted on credible intelligence or if there were communication gaps between security agencies.
As the investigation unfolds, the Raipur police face mounting challenges, with the spotlight now firmly on their handling of this complex and high-stakes case.