Nagpur: In a swift operation, the Sugat Nagar Fire Station of the Nagpur Municipal Corporation’s (NMC) Fire and Emergency Services Department rescued two men trapped in a malfunctioning lift at Ramesh Indra Apartment in Kushinagar in the city during the early hours of Saturday, December 14.
According to the Fire Department, an emergency call was received around 2:49 am, reporting that two individuals were stuck inside the lift of the residential building. Responding promptly, a team from the Sugat Nagar Fire Station rushed to the location and successfully rescued the trapped individuals without any injuries.
The two men, identified as Jagdish Tholani (52), the owner of the apartment, and his son, Jayesh Tholani (20), were reportedly stuck in the lift due to a technical fault. The incident occurred while the father and son were using the lift late at night. The fire team ensured their safe evacuation after resolving the issue.
The quick response and efficient handling of the situation by the firefighters have been lauded by the local residents. This incident also serves as a reminder for regular maintenance of lifts in residential buildings to prevent such occurrences.
Further details about the technical fault in the lift are awaited, and the building management is expected to conduct a thorough inspection to avoid future mishaps.