Nagpur: Mystery shrouded the huge unaccounted cash seized by Nagpur’s Dhantoli Police during a routine nakabandi on Wednesday night. The cash, amounting lakhs of rupees, was found stashed in two bags inside a car. However, despite the seizure, release of the cash by the police has raised many eyebrows.
According to sources, Dhantoli Police were conducting a nakabandi on DP Road in the Deo Nagar area of the city when they stopped a four-wheeler. Upon inspection, the police officers discovered the large sum of cash concealed in two bags. The driver of the vehicle was unable to provide satisfactory answers regarding the source of the money. As a result, both the driver and the car were taken to the police station for further questioning.
Senior police officials were informed about the situation but there are still no details about official documentation and procedural follow-up. The vehicle was reportedly kept at the police station for about an hour. Later, it was released and the cash was returned to the owner. A senior woman officer confirmed the incident and stated that the total amount of cash seized was approximately Rs 11 lakh. She explained that the cash belonged to a person named Jagyasi and the vehicle was released after reviewing certain documents, including cheques and receiving satisfactory explanations.
“The cash was seized during regular nakabandi, and after consultation with senior officials, we decided to release the vehicle,” said the officer. While the police’s alertness has been praised, there are still questions about the absence of a panchnama and official paperwork before releasing the seized cash.