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Nagpur: The written examination for the direct recruitment on 11 posts of Talathis will be held on September 11, 2016. The posts will be filled at the office of District Collector, Nagpur. Some of the vacant posts of Talathis have been reserved for ex-servicemen, part-time employees, women, sportsmen and Divyang (physically disabled).
The applications for the posts by eligible candidates have to be submitted till 5.45 pm of August 21, 2016. The advertisement and specimen of application form are available on and The applications are being accepted online only.
The examination fee can be deposited in account number 33871862843 of State Bank of India in the name of District Collector or Chairman, District Selection Committee, Nagpur, through a challan and procure Transaction ID. Without Transaction ID, applications will not be accepted.
The applicants for the posts of Talathis are being allowed to sit for written examination without scrutinizing the documents. Hence, after passing the exam, a preliminary list of the candidates with marks will be published after scrutinizing their documents. Just passing of exam will not earn a candidate the right for the job.