Nagpur: Finally, after arriving at a decision to change its uniform, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Monday put its newly introduced uniform on sale at Reshimbagh-based store. The ensuing Vijayadashami (Dussehra) will see the Swayamsevaks donning full pants instead of half pants in “Pathsanchalan” (Road March). The decision to change the uniform was taken at the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini (Executive) meeting held at Nagour in Rajasthan a few months ago dropping the trademark knicker for full pant.
The Sangh sympathisers say that it is no big deal and in no way marks a shift in the RSS ideology. Since its formation in 1925, RSS in its 91-year history, has changed its uniform many a time. In 1930, changing the uniform for the first time, black cap replaced the khaki cap. Similarly, white shirt took place of khaki shirt in 1940. In 1973, leather or plastic shoes were introduced and in 2010, the leather belt was discarded from the uniform. Following the process of change, full pant has now replaced the half pant.
The change has been accepted by Swayamsevaks gleefully as they thronged the RSS store in large numbers on Monday.
For the last three decades, the RSS swayamsevaks have attended Vjiayadashami rallies in ‘purna ganvesh’ of half-pants, black topi (cap), brown belt, black shoes and lathi.