Nagpur: With the new Commissioner of Police declaring taming the wild traffic his priority, the Traffic Departments has decided to undertake steps of immediate nature to help streamline the traffic system in the Second Capital City of Nagpur.
Addressing a press conference, the DCP (Traffic) Smartana Patil highlighted an array of initiatives the Traffic Department would be implementing for easing the pressure of traffic in the city including strict action in the case of violations of traffic rules, streamline the movement of heavy traffic to curb fatal accidents, creating awareness about traffic rules etc.
Following points were highlighted by the DCP Patil:
- To effectively curb drunken driving, action was taken against 21,672 vehicle riders till August, 2016.
- 1581 cases were registered against vehicle drivers for over speeding offence till August 2016. The Traffic Police have been equipped with 5 Speed Guns so far to keep an eye on speed violators.
- 3627 vehicle drivers have been booked for over rash driving and causing accidents.
- Till July, 2016, 25,344 offenders were booked for jumping signals, 47,367 for not wearing belts, 17,143 for driving on wrong side and 4852 for talking on mobile phones while driving.
- With these actions, in all 3,59,052 offenders were booked in the year 2016 till August and a fine of over Rs 4.49 crore was recovered from them.
- The action taken in the year 2016 was biggest as compared to last five years.
- In order to curb accidents, traffic rule awareness drive is being initiated in schools, colleges and at other private organizations. Slide shows and other various programmes are being organized to stress the need for adhering to traffic rules.
- The Traffic Department has created Twitter and WhatsApp accounts (Mobile No. 9011387100). Citizens are contacted through these mediums and their complaints are resolved. Till now, 234 complaints have been received on WhatsApp out of which 223 complaints have been resolved.
- Awareness is being created among two-wheeler riders to wear helmets. Helmets can save their lives in the event of accidents.