Mary Kom filmmaker Omung Kumar recently announced his next directorial venture Five, which will feature Akshay Kumar in the lead role. Omung also said that Mithoon, Amaal Mallik and Jeet Gannguli will be composing music for the psychological thriller.
It is now learnt that it was Akshay who insisted on having the trio as part of the project.
A source close to the actor confirmed the news and said, “Looking at the response to the songs (Dekha Hazaro Dafaa and Dhal Jaun Main) composed by Jeet in Rustom, Akshay was keen on having him on board once again. He was already impressed with Mithoon and Amaal.”
This is not the first time Akshay has insisted on hiring a composer of his choice. Earlier he had cut Ankit Tiwari to size by reducing his number of songs in Rustom.