Published On : Wed, Oct 19th, 2016

MSBTE organized a Career Fairat KDK Nagpur Polytechnic


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education organized a Career Fair to guide students about Technical Education on October 15, 2016 at KDK Nagpur Polytechnic, Nagpur. Dr. Abhay Wagh, Director MSBTE, Mumbai; Rajendra Mulak Ex State Minsiter (M S); Nishikant Suke Dy. Collector, Nagpur, Gulabrao Thakarewere guests at the event. Besides there Dr. S. J. Patil, Mohan Nahatkar, Dr. D. P. Singh, Dr. A.M. Badar, Dr. C. C. Handa, Principal KDK Nagpur Polytechnic Nagpur Prof. V. K. Babar & Vice Principal Prof. Pankaj Shende shared the dais.

Career fair is organized to guide the students from std. X to std. XII standard students because after passing the examination they have no of option are available, hence students as well as their parents get confused while taking the (decision) admission. The Guidance from the expert is most important at this stage.

In this career fair many Polytechnic & Pharmacy colleges installed their stalls to guide the students. All college also presents this project to inspire and make them curious about the technical education. KDK Nagpur polytechnic, Nagpur, KDK Polytechnic, Umrer, KDK Pharmacy College, Priyadarshani Polytechnic, Nagpur Shankarrao Dhawad Polytechnic, Gurunanak Tehcnical Institute of Pharmacy , JD Polytechnic, KD Pawar College of Pharmacy, Ai Taj Polytechnic, Avdhoot Polytechnic, Datta Meghe Polytechnic, Nagpur, GH Raisoni Polytechnic, Anjuman Polytechnic, Kampthee Polytechnic, Tulshiramji Gaikawad Polytechnic, Central India Institute, Suryodaya Polytechnic, Shantabai Patil Isntitute of Pharmacy etc participated in the Career Fair.

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Friday 07March 2025
Gold 24 KT 86,300 /-
Gold 22 KT 80,300 /-
Silver / Kg 97,700 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
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Students from various school were presented at career fair. About 2500 visited to Career Fair from no of school like Prakash Krushi Vidhyalaya, Sarvashree Vidyalaya, Rajendra Highschool, Dadasaheb Thakare Vidhyalaya, Nagpur Vidhyalaya, Navbharat Vidhyalaya, Engineers School, Amit Convent, Kendriya Highschool, National Urdu School, General Awari School, Prashant Vidyalaya, Panchsheel Vidyalaya, Jingal Bell School, Shastrinagar Vidyalaya, Sanjay Nagar Highschool etc.

At the beginning Prinicpalof KDK Nagpur Polytechnic, Nagpur proposed the ceremony and citied the importance of these kind of Career Fair.

Dr. Mohan Nahatkar congratulated MSBTE and KDK Nagpur Polytechnic to conduct such career guidance event for students. He said this type of Career fair will be really helpful for students.

Rajendra Mulak also interacted with students and guided the students and focus on the new technical courses. Rajendra Mulak Braised Dr. Abhay Wagh for this commitment about. His work and his helpful nature.

Dr. Abhay Wagh also guided students gave detailed information about the new future courses and scheme of the MSBTE. Dr. Abhay Wagh also discuss the scope of technical education in future.

From KDK Nagpur Polytechnic all the HOD of all respective departments. Chemical Department, Prof. R. Yeole, Electronics Deptt. Prof. S.P. Kadak, Mechanical Deptt, Prof. A. Kshirsagar, Civil Deptt, Prof. A. T. Madankar, Electrical Deptt. Prof. J. D. Badhe, Computer Deptt. Prof. F. A. Sheikh, First Year Prof. A.K. Pandey were present prominently. Prof. Ajay Vekhande and Prof. F. A. Sheikh conducted the proceeding while Prof. Sanjay Dahale proposed the vote of thanks.

All the Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of KDK Nagpur Polytechnic, Nagpur worked hard for the success this Career Fair.
