Sahibabad: Massive fire broke out in a garment factory in Sahibabad early this morning around 4 am on Friday morning. A total of 13 people have been feared dead due to the deadly fire and many have been injured. The fire took place in a factory that is located on the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border in Ghaziabad’s Sahibabad area. Fire tenders and Police rushed at the spot. Death toll is expected to rise. Several people have been left critically injured in the deadly fire. They have been rushed to the nearby hospital.
Even earlier in October , fire was reported from a crackers’ factory in Farrukhnagar area of Sahibabad. One person was killed and one other critically injured in the incident. The incident occurred at around 8 am and the cause of the fire is still unknown. As per reports, the deceased, Imran, 36, is a resident of Farrukhnagar and died on spot. Another worker at the factory, Umesh,18, a resident of Asalatpur area of Farrukhnagar was rushed to GTB Hospital.
In another similar incident today, fire broke out in a godown on Sheikh Memon street in Mumbai and eight fire tenders at the spot.
After several fire incidences in this area of Ghaziabad, the fire department sent notices to 21 high-rises in Kaushambi. A safety audit was conducted at the request of the Kaushambi Apartment Residents’ Welfare Association (KARWA) following incidents of fire. The four incidents of fire in Kaushambi high-rise buildings made the state government take this move. A fire safety audit was conducted by UP Police’s fire department in which it was found that all 21 high-rise housing societies in the locality were lacking fire safety norms.