Rajasthan: Defending its action of vandalising the sets of upcoming Indian period drama Padmavati and assaulting its director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the Rajput Karni Sena on Saturday warned that they will not let the history of their ancestors be tarnished, adding that they would defend their Rajput lineage from ignominy.
The protestors manhandled the director on Friday and alleged that the film has love scenes between Queen Padmini and ruler Alauddin Khilji, played by actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh.
Speaking in Jaipur, founder patron of the fringe group Lokendra Singh Kalvi asserted that if history and traditions are not respected then nothing but doom awaits them.
The Karni Sena claims that Padmini was a proud queen known for taking her own life rather than submit to Alauddin Khilji, the emperor who attacked the Chittorgarh Fort.
Does Bhansali have the nerve to go to Germany and make a fiction film against Hitler? Even when Jodha Akbar was being made I had raised objections as one cannot insult our blood-spattered history, Kalvi added.
He further alleged that the shooting was being carried out without permission, adding that the Sena would not allow obscenities on the land of Rajputs against its own ancestral icons.