Former J-K CM Omar Abdullah, prolific on Twitter, let’s it rip:
“How the hell did almost all the experts/analysts miss this wave in UP? It’s a tsunami not a ripple in a small pond. Criticism the PM will only take us so far.
The voter needs to know there is an option available to them that has a clear positive road map.
I’ve said this before & I’ll say it again the voter needs to be given an alternative agenda that is based on what we will do better. Punjab, Goa & Manipur would certainly suggest that the BJP isn’t unbeatable but strategy needs to shift from criticism to positive alternate.
At this rate we might as well forget 2019 & start planning/hoping for 2024.
“In a nutshell there is no leader today with a pan India acceptability who can take on Modi & the BJP in 2019. And the knives are out for @yadavakhilesh.”