A group of dedicated Environmentalists, Organic farmers, even Nagpur Urban farmers are coming together in their annual festival Beejotsav 2017 or NAGPUR SEED FESTIVAL 2017 which begins tomorrow, 7th April.
They are inviting Nagpurians to “Come with friends and family to the Exhibition cum Sale of Seed Diversity, Farm produce, Delicious Organic Food, Organic Clothing, Books and many more for sustainable lifestyle.
Interact with Seed Savers & Farmers, Khadi Producers, Enjoy Song & Music, Discussions & much more.. ”
Go Organic on 7-8-9 April 2017 ( starting at 11 AM on 7th and ending at 6 PM on 9th ) at Mure Memorial Lawns , Maharajbagh Road, Sitabuldi, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440001
If earlier Beejotsavs are anything to go by, this unique festival is attended in large numbers by not just Nagpurians but stalls are set up by farmers from M.P. and Chattisgarh also apart from Maharashtra selling food material like organic rice, haldi, millets, jams, jellies,pickles etc. not available anywhere else for rest of the year.
There are also talks/ discussions and presentations on the subject of Organic food and why one should go Organic.
One can meet farmers from A.P. and Telengana too, apart from our locals, who have benefited agriculturally by shifting to native, not commercialized hybrid seeds, and reaping good profits too.
May be this is the way to beat the tragic farmer suicides scenario?
As farmers across the country will tell you, it is since hybrids and GM seeds ( for cotton) became popular that the vicious circle of costly seeds, followed by compulsory use of fertilizers and then pesticides began which has ultimately made agriculture in India an unviable business.
Going back to our roots and growing Organic is therefore not just good for our health but good for our farm economy as well.
To know about this, do visit Beejotsav and enjoy the unique fare they have to offer.
Remember, this is something that happens only in our city and we are privileged in getting to attend it.